Check your English Vocabulary for IELTS

Check your English Vocabulary for IELTS

Check your English Vocabulary for IELTS




Structure of the IELTS Workbook

Each vocabulary area is presented in the form of a self-contained module with task-based activities which present each vocabulary item in a real context.

• Pages 1-53 focus on general vocabulary items which can be used in all aspects of your English. Some of these are relevant to specific tasks in the IELTS exam (for example, describing how something
works, writing a letter or describing a table).

• Pages 54-101 focus on topic-specific vocabulary areas which may be required in the exam (for example, education, business and industry or global problems). Each module consists of three tasks: the first two present vocabulary items in context, and the third gives you the opportunity to review the vocabulary in the form of a gap-fill exercise.

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